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SSHRC New Frontiers in Research Fund

Jurisdiction Back: Infrastructure beyond Extractivism

Jurisdiction Back: Infrastructure beyond Extractivism

Co-Principal Investigators: Dayna Nadine Scott and Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark Funding: SSHRC Partnership Grant Term: 2021-2027 Resource conflicts and legal uncertainties have dominated the political landscape over the last decade; conflicts over extraction and its infrastructures have intensified, catalyzing a fierce Indigenous resurgence. As the research team conceived this project, hereditary leaders were blocking a pipeline

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A biocultural and interdisciplinary approach to pollinator conservation through ecology, art and pedagogy

A biocultural and interdisciplinary approach to pollinator conservation through ecology, art and pedagogy

Co-Principal Investigators: Sheila Colla and Lisa Myers. Funding: SSHRC New Frontiers in Research Fund. Term: 2020-2023. Dubbed as Finding Flowers, this interdisciplinary research project integrates art, ecology and education. Inspired by the work of the late Mi’kmaq artist Mike MacDonald, Finding Flowers grows, revitalizes and cares for native pollinator gardens as art installations, and as spaces for

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A biocultural and interdisciplinary approach to pollinator conservation through ecology, art and pedagogy

A biocultural and interdisciplinary approach to pollinator conservation through ecology, art and pedagogy

The rapid decline of insect pollinators has been documented globally and has significant implications on food security and natural ecosystems. The project aims to take an interdisciplinary, biocultural approach to investigate plant-pollinator biodiversity in Canada. The research team will work with pre-existing gardens created by the late Mi’kmaq artist Mike MacDonald and develop new Indigenous

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