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SSHRC Insight Grant

Subversive performances of quarantine: Organizing across differences at the conjuncture of protest and the pandemic

Subversive performances of quarantine: Organizing across differences at the conjuncture of protest and the pandemic

Principal Investigator: Jinthana Haritaworn Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant. Term: 2021-2026. The project examines the contributions that multiple marginalized communities are making to help their societies survive and recover from the pandemic. It proposes that those who have experienced and, often, led intersecting movements for justice are in an ideal position to innovate critiques and responses

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Vertical peripheries: Planning and citizenship in Colombia's commodified periurban housing towers

Vertical peripheries: Planning and citizenship in Colombia's commodified periurban housing towers

Project Investigators: Luisa Sotomayor and Lina Brand Correa Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant Term: 2022-2025 This interdisciplinary research project (Canada, Colombia, urban planning, anthropology, development studies, and ecological economics) will investigate the implementation and effects of Colombia's market-based housing policy as it restructures the country's metropolitan peripheries. Specifically, the project aims to understand how commodified social

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High-rise living, public space and COVID-19 in the Greater Toronto Area

High-rise living, public space and COVID-19 in the Greater Toronto Area

Project Investigator: Ute Lehrer Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant Term: 2022-2025 High-rise buildings have long been a significant form in urban development. But this form of living comes with its own challenges and the COVID-19 pandemic of the last two years has magnified some of the problems for life in close proximity. While a large body

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Explaining labour relations in the global fishing industry

Explaining labour relations in the global fishing industry

Over the past five years a series of scandals concerning slave-like working conditions on fishing vessels have provoked global efforts to improve working conditions for fishery workers.  Yet initiatives that seek to improve working conditions are hampered by a lack of empirical evidence and explanatory analysis of the dynamics that lead to such unacceptable working

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Work at Sea: Explaining Labour Relations in the Global Fishing Industry

Work at Sea: Explaining Labour Relations in the Global Fishing Industry

Principal Investigator: Peter Vandergeest/Co-Investigator: Philip Kelly. Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant. Term: 2019-2024. The research sets out to examine marine fisheries work, focusing on fisheries based out of Thailand and Taiwan that have been identified as having large numbers of migrant workers and instances of labour abuse. In particular, it aims to understand labour issues as

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Offshore oil exploratory drilling and marine protected areas: Assessing decision-making processes and outcomes in comparative developed state cases

Offshore oil exploratory drilling and marine protected areas: Assessing decision-making processes and outcomes in comparative developed state cases

Principal Investigator: Gail Fraser. Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant. Term: 2020-2026. The project focuses on the regulatory processes leading to decisions to permit exploratory offshore drilling in or adjacent to marine protected areas. It aims to assess decision-making processes by drawing on comparative international cases that highlight how eastern Canadian offshore oil governance practices can be

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From Entrepreneurship to Rentiership? The Changing Dynamics of Innovation in Technoscientific Capitalism

From Entrepreneurship to Rentiership? The Changing Dynamics of Innovation in Technoscientific Capitalism

Principal Investigator: Kean Birch. Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant. Term: 2018-2023. This project examines the extent, manifestation, and policy implications of ‘rentiership’ in contemporary, technoscientific capitalism. Rentiership is defined as the capture of value from the ownership and/or control of assets, rather than the production of new goods and services. It involves fieldwork on the following

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Probing Private Refugee Resettlement in Canada

Probing Private Refugee Resettlement in Canada

Principal Investigator: Jennifer Hyndman Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant. Term: 2017-2022. The overall aim of the project is to produce and share new knowledge about private refugee sponsorship in Canada. Since March 2016, and at the September 2016 UN Summit in New York City on refugees and migrants, the federal government has committed to ‘exporting’ its

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Neoliberal industrialization, the rural periphery, and uneven development in India

Neoliberal industrialization, the rural periphery, and uneven development in India

Principal Investigator: Raju Das. Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant. Term: 2016-2025. Geographically uneven development (GUD) is an enduring problem worldwide. Its urgency is more apparent in the context of the recent phase of industrialization occurring in the South since the onset of the neoliberal form of capitalism. This industrialization, which takes different forms, including transplantation of

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Canada-Philippines Alternative Transnational Economies

Canada-Philippines Alternative Transnational Economies

Principal Investigator: Philip Kelly. Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant. Term: 2015-2022. The research project is interested in transnational economic practices that fall outside either the mainstream economy of corporate trade and investment or the private flows of remittances between family members. The study seeks those linkages that depend on the social networks created by migration and

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