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SDG 2: Zero Hunger

Why farmers in northern Ghana go to bed hungry

Why farmers in northern Ghana go to bed hungry

by Balikisu Osman, Environmental Studies PhD Candidate Ghana is one of the few countries often praised for achieving impressive reductions in hunger. The 2022 Global Hunger Index report reveals Ghana’s hunger score has declined by more than 50 percent since the year 2000. At the Crans Montana Forum held in November 2022, where critical issues of global food security

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Climate risks and household responses to food insecurity in northern Ghana

Climate risks and household responses to food insecurity in northern Ghana

by Balikisu Osman The unequal geography of hunger in Ghana Around the world, millions of people are struggling to secure social, economic, and physical access to safe, sufficient, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and preferences. In Ghana, for example, an estimated 3.6 million people, representing 11.7% of the population, do not know

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Researcher aims to prevent food fights by promoting national food policy

Researcher aims to prevent food fights by promoting national food policy

Although food is a public resource, there is no effective and joined-up national policy to guide it, says Roderick MacRae, which is an issue that should be addressed. By Elaine Smith MacRae, an associate professor in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, says it’s a large and complex issue that deserves a comprehensive solution, and

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What happens when a community becomes a food desert overnight?

What happens when a community becomes a food desert overnight?

In December, North Kawartha Township's only grocery store burned down — so locals stepped up By Josh Sherman - Published on Jan 20, 2021 on These days, Leeanne Vogt’s grocery-shopping routine begins with a phone call, sometimes days before she needs to go to the store. She calls non-profit Community Care Peterborough’s satellite office in

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The pandemic and the need for a new society

The pandemic and the need for a new society

During the on-going pandemic, humanity’s suffering has increased enormously. To date, 35 million people in the world have contracted the coronavirus, and more than 1 million have died. In the richest and most powerful country in the world, more than 7 million cases have been reported, with more than 200,000 deaths. While the more affluent

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The pandemic as a portal to food sovereignty

The pandemic as a portal to food sovereignty

The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the fragilities and inequities within the globalized industrial food system: ecosystem collapse through deforestation, loss of animal habitat, monocultural production, long supply chains dependent on fossil fuel based transportation, loss of access to land through trade agreements, lack of state support for small producers, forced migration and farm labour

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Sustainable food security in the northern Ghana

Sustainable food security in the northern Ghana

Historical models show that Ghana’s climatic patterns are getting increasingly drier. The average temperature increased at about 0.21°C per decade and 1.0˚C per annum, with rainfall declining at an average of 2.3mm per month (or 2.4% per decade) since the 1960s. The northern savannah ecological zone experiences the most rapid and intense climatic changes and

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