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SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Ontario on track to see major increases in greenhouse gas emissions

Ontario on track to see major increases in greenhouse gas emissions

Add pollution and costs from electricity generation to that list too By Mark WinfieldColleen Kaiser The Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator’s (IESO) Annual Planning Outlook report released last week contains some very bad news for Ontarians in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, air quality, and future electricity costs. The directions laid out in the report also present

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Canada's key role at COP26

Canada's key role at COP26

Canada's key role at COP26 In interview with Prof Mark Winfield By Caryn Ceolin Posted Oct 31, 2021, 3:41PM EDT. Last Updated Oct 31, 2021, 5:06PM EDT. Summary World leaders are gathering in Glasgow for COP26 to confront what climate scientists warn is the disaster ahead. Experts want to see more ambitious national emissions reduction targets

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The 26th United Nations conference on climate change, also known as COP26, will be convening in Glasgow, Scotland, from Oct. 31 to Nov. 12. Everyone knows the climate catastrophe is dire, but what will it take for nations to take urgent action? BY RADHIKA DESAI Interview with Professor Emeritus Peter Victor Extinction Rebellion activists are seen

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The New Deal, racism and war

The New Deal, racism and war

By Prof Justin Podur The original New Deal has credited with saving the US economy from the Great Depression and, perhaps, saving the country from socialism. The original New Deal, and its champion, Franklin D. Roosevelt, are credited with saving the US economy from the Great Depression - and perhaps preventing the country from adopting 'socialism'. The

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Canada’s federal election made big strides for climate and the environment

Canada’s federal election made big strides for climate and the environment

By Prof Mark Winfield The outcome of the recent federal election — a Liberal minority dependent on the NDP or Bloc Québécois for support — has been widely seen as having a “Groundhog Day” aspect to it. It left the composition of Parliament very much as it was before, reinforcing questions about the necessity of the election

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Addressing Global Challenges to a Canadian Low-Carbon Energy Transition

Addressing Global Challenges to a Canadian Low-Carbon Energy Transition

Project Investigator: Mark Winfield. Funding: SSHRC Insight Grant. Term: 2021-2023. The proposed project will build on and expand the research, Canadian and international partnerships and networks, and knowledge mobilization infrastructure in the area of sustainable energy transitions and climate change policy. The major outputs of the project will include two books: 1) an edited volume

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What would happen if Ontario phased out gas plants?

What would happen if Ontario phased out gas plants?

Under pressure from municipalities and groups concerned about the climate crisis, the operator of Ontario’s electricity system is looking at what phasing out the province’s gas plants could look like. Ontario intends to rely more on natural gas-fired plants for power over the next decade, a change that is set to erase climate progress made

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Fieldwork and fisheries in the time of COVID-19 in Taiwan

Fieldwork and fisheries in the time of COVID-19 in Taiwan

by Mallory MacDonnell Work in fishing has received increasing attention as one of the most difficult but also poorly monitored and regulated jobs in the world. It is subject to ambiguous and overlapping jurisdiction. I travelled to Taiwan in October 2020 to start fieldwork for my dissertation. Taiwan has one of the world’s largest distant

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5 ways Norway leads and Canada lags on climate action

5 ways Norway leads and Canada lags on climate action

As major oil and gas producers and exporters, Norway and Canada share a particular responsibility for confronting the planet’s existential climate threat. However, their different political, economic and cultural features have resulted in major differences in their climate policy track records. Overall, Norway is a leader on climate change performance and Canada is a laggard. The 2021 Climate

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