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Polar Bear

Drivers and consequences of individual specialization in an Arctic marine top predator

Drivers and consequences of individual specialization in an Arctic marine top predator

Principal Investigator: Gregory Thiemann Funding: NSERC Discovery Grant. Term: 2021-2026. The proposed research involves testing hypotheses around the environmental drivers and ecological consequences of individual specialization, using the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) as a model species and target for conservation. As a long­-lived top predator in a dynamic habitat, polar bears demonstrate several characteristics that

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Climate, conflict, and co-existence: Identifying the drivers of human-polar bear interaction in Southern Hudson Bay

Climate, conflict, and co-existence: Identifying the drivers of human-polar bear interaction in Southern Hudson Bay

Principal Investigator: Gregory Thiemann Funding: World Wildlife Fund Term: 2021 - to date The primary goal of this research is to reduce the risk of human-polar bear conflict. This will both reduce the risk of injury to people and reduce the number of polar bears killed in defense of life or property. Secondarily, the proposed

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