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Joseph Mensah

Research supports women’s health and economic empowerment towards COVID-19 recovery

Research supports women’s health and economic empowerment towards COVID-19 recovery

The University of Ghana and York University have partnered in an IDRC Women RISE initiative supporting action-oriented and gender-transformative research on how women's health and their work intersect and interact in the context of preparedness, response and recovery from COVID-19. Women RISE is aligned with priority 3.5 of the United Nations Research Roadmap for COVID-19 Recovery on

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To stay or not to stay: The geographies of immigrant integration, transnationalism, and return intentions among African immigrants in Canada

To stay or not to stay: The geographies of immigrant integration, transnationalism, and return intentions among African immigrants in Canada

Increasingly, governments at both ends of the migration cycle recognize the value of (im)migrants, and are finding ways to support them for their respective national interest. Generally, countries of origin, especially in Africa, seek to attract their diasporic talents and resources back home for national development, just as countries of destination (e.g., Canada) are using

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Joseph Mensah

Joseph Mensah

Professor Global Geography Program Coordinator Credentials PhD Geography, University of AlbertaMA Geography, Wilfrid Laurier UniversityBA Geography & Philosophy, University of Ghana Research Keywords Culture & Cultural Studies; Transnational & Return Migration; Ethno-Racial Identity Formation; African Development. Graduate Supervision I supervise students in the graduate programs in Environmental Studies, Geography and Health. Contact Information 4700 Keele StreetToronto, ON M3J

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The Collective Cost of Anti-Black Racism: COVID-19 and the Boomerang Effect

The Collective Cost of Anti-Black Racism: COVID-19 and the Boomerang Effect

by Joseph Mensah Abstract: Blacks are the primary scapegoats for the maladies of the world. This might sound melodramatic to those who are privileged enough to steer clear of this reality. The piece does not offer a definitive answer to the tripartite riddle of why Blacks are dying more than the rest, why they are

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To stay or not to stay: The geographies of immigrant integration, transnationalism, and return migration intentions among African immigrants in Canada

To stay or not to stay: The geographies of immigrant integration, transnationalism, and return migration intentions among African immigrants in Canada

Principal Investigator: Joseph Mensah Funding: SSHRC. Term: 2017-2022. The study examines the return intentions of African immigrants in Canada, drawing on the experiences of Ghanaians and Somalis in Toronto and Vancouver.  More pointedly, the project seeks to understand the intersections of African immigrants’ integration, transnationalism, and return intentions, and to predict the background and spatio-temporal

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