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Getting to know Africa and its people: Confronting popular stereotypes

Getting to know Africa and its people: Confronting popular stereotypes

by Joseph Mensah This January, Professor Joseph Mensah presented a lecture at the Scholars’ Hub on Getting to know Africa and its people: Confronting popular stereotypes. In this lecture, Mensah discusses prevailing negative stereotypes about Africa and challenges them by shedding light on the continent's diversity and confronting the dehumanizing effects of these stereotypes. Mensah

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EUC Student Gathering: Towards Food Sovereignty and Arts-based Methodology

EUC Student Gathering: Towards Food Sovereignty and Arts-based Methodology

EUC Student Gathering: Towards Food Sovereignty and Arts-based Methodology held on January 30th was a remarkable convergence of minds, ideas, and creativity, with a focus on the dynamic interplay between art, sustainability, and food sovereignty. Attended by 30 enthusiastic participants, including students and professors from diverse environmental studies classes and other disciplines, the event provided

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Ecosystem productivity responses in the Bruce Peninsula over the past 20 years

Ecosystem productivity responses in the Bruce Peninsula over the past 20 years

by Lord-Emmanuel Achidago and Richard Bello IntroductionThe Bruce Peninsula, renowned for its expansive forest and UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve designation, faced a significant setback with a major wildfire in 1908. Since then, vegetation regrowth has produced trees of up to 114 years old. Concerns about the Peninsula's ability to sequester CO2 amid climate change highlight

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Exploring the intersection of public space planning and the neoliberal thrust of tourism development in the Caribbean

Exploring the intersection of public space planning and the neoliberal thrust of tourism development in the Caribbean

by Nastassia Pratt My major research paper, “Placemaking as a Public Space Planning Tool in New Providence, Bahamas,” critically explores the intersection of public space planning and the neoliberal thrust of tourism development in the Caribbean region. Small island developing states (SIDS) in the Caribbean, like The Bahamas, have the added challenge of colonial histories

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Exploring pathways to decarbonization and sustainability in Canadian energy systems

Exploring pathways to decarbonization and sustainability in Canadian energy systems

Mark Winfield has a new co-edited book on Sustainable Energy Transitions in Canada (UBC Press, 2023), examining decarbonization and sustainability in Canadian energy systems. EUC work-study student Xinyu Mei interviews him on the importance of the book and of the need to pay attention to wider sustainability goals in the process of decarbonizing the Canadian

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Re-examining the relationship between the urban and its cultures

Re-examining the relationship between the urban and its cultures

Professor Alison L. Bain and Julie A. Podmore edited a new book titled "The Cultural Infrastructure of Cities"  (Agenda Publishing, 2023). EUC work-study student, Lorraine Wong, interviews them on their new edited book and its value to students and scholars of urban studies, as well as to policymakers planning and creating cultural infrastructures. Q: What motivated you to

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Climate Migration and the Urban Environment: Dhaka's Story of Development and Disaster

Climate Migration and the Urban Environment: Dhaka's Story of Development and Disaster

On November 24, 2023, concerned citizens, environmental enthusiasts, and advocates for sustainable urban development gathered for the screening of “Climate Migration and the Urban Environment: Dhaka's Story of Development and Disaster”. The powerful 60-minute documentary screening was accompanied by an ongoing photo exhibition; both delve into the intricate relationship between climate change, migration, and urban

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Making With Place: Community arts as critical pedagogies of place

Making With Place: Community arts as critical pedagogies of place

by Phyllis Novak and Charlotte Lombardo, with contributions from Making With Place artists and support from Sarah Flicker and Lisa Myers             Making With Place is a participatory arts initiative exploring the relationship between community, culture, place and public space from the perspective of diverse young artist-researchers. With the mentorship of adult artists, QT/BIPOC (Queer,

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