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Greenwashing the Ring of Fire: Indigenous jurisdiction and gaps in the EV battery supply chain

Greenwashing the Ring of Fire: Indigenous jurisdiction and gaps in the EV battery supply chain

by Saima Desai and Isaac Thornley In 2022, when Canada designated the metals buried beneath vast, remote peat bogs in Treaty No. 9 territory in Northern Ontario as “critical minerals,” it sparked a mining frenzy. There are now over 31,000 mining claims in the Ring of Fire, with some companies in hot pursuit of nickel

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Barbara Rahder

Barbara Rahder

Professor Emerita Former Dean Senior Scholar Credentials BSc (1974), Portland State University (Psychology)MSc (1977), University of TorontoPhD (1985), University of Toronto Research Keywords Feminist community planning, urban and environmental justice, equitable access to urban space & services, planning theory, history and pedagogy.  Contact Information Research Interests Since I retired in 2016, I’ve begun

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Investigating the unconscious in the politics of development

Investigating the unconscious in the politics of development

Ilan Kapoor has a new co-authored book on Rethinking Development Politics (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024) with Gavin Fridell, Professor of Global Development Studies at Saint Mary's University, reassessing the politics of development psychoanalytically and investigating its unconscious. EUC work-study student Xinyu Mei interviews him on the importance of the book and its contributions to the

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Minding Sanctuary: Potential for multispecies justice through care-full wildlife tourism

Minding Sanctuary: Potential for multispecies justice through care-full wildlife tourism

by Siobhan Speiran, Ph.D. As a wild animal geographer and welfare scholar, I am thrilled to find an academic home amongst the vibrant EUC community as a postdoctoral visitor. I continue collaborating with Professor Alice Hovorka (my Ph.D. supervisor) and The Lives of Animals Research Group. I locate my research as scholarship emerging in response

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The passing of Professor Emeritus Robert Murdie (May 8, 1939 - March 11, 2024)

The passing of Professor Emeritus Robert Murdie (May 8, 1939 - March 11, 2024)

The EUC community mourns the passing of Professor Emeritus Robert (Bob) Murdie.  Bob spent his almost his entire career with the Department of Geography at York, and was a leading figure in Canadian urban and social geography, focusing especially on housing and immigration studies. He was also a dedicated teacher and graduate supervisor, and a

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Telling the stories of climate, farm distress, inequality and justice

Telling the stories of climate, farm distress, inequality and justice

From March 4-8 renowned journalist and author P Sainath visited York for a week as a scholar-in-residence. He delivered two separate seminars about climate, farm distress, inequality and justice in rural India and discussed his latest book on the foot soldiers of Indian freedom. Both talks were co-organized by EUC and the York Centre for

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Geopolitics of mining and dispossession: Brazil and Canada

Geopolitics of mining and dispossession: Brazil and Canada

This January, Thaís Henriques Dias, doctoral researcher in Sociology and Law at Fluminense Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, started her 10-month visiting scholarship at York. EUC work-study student, Xinyu Mei, interviewed her on her plans for engagement and research at EUC. Why did you decide to pursue a visiting scholarship at York University? My

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Linda Starodub

Linda Starodub

About Linda Starodub When Linda Starodub (she/her) returned to York’s Keele campus for the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC), formerly the Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES), her commitment to supporting York students and their futures only strengthened. Linda recounted how her York studies contributed to her 30-year globetrotting career

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Learning from “humanimals”: Exploring diverse rabbit-human relationships in animal care settings

Learning from “humanimals”: Exploring diverse rabbit-human relationships in animal care settings

by Melvin Chan Research on human-animal interactions has grown dramatically in recent decades, and educators and researchers alike are increasingly interested in how animals might enhance learning and teaching. Examples of such “animal-assisted education” include reading to dogs to improve reading performance, and performing tasks in the presence of dogs to foster development of cognitive

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Getting to know Africa and its people: Confronting popular stereotypes

Getting to know Africa and its people: Confronting popular stereotypes

by Joseph Mensah This January, Professor Joseph Mensah presented a lecture at the Scholars’ Hub on Getting to know Africa and its people: Confronting popular stereotypes. In this lecture, Mensah discusses prevailing negative stereotypes about Africa and challenges them by shedding light on the continent's diversity and confronting the dehumanizing effects of these stereotypes. Mensah

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