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Edith Barabash

Edith Barabash

Edith Barabash

About Edith Barabash How would you describe your years at EUC, and did the program prepare you for your career? How? The BES program’s interdisciplinary nature gave me a chance to explore how so many fields related to the environment, so I really got to try out a variety of subjects before narrowing in on

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Zoom calls getting boring? This animal sanctuary found a solution: Buckwheat the Donkey

Zoom calls getting boring? This animal sanctuary found a solution: Buckwheat the Donkey

Since people can't get to the animals, Farmhouse Garden Animal Home, an Uxbridge-based sanctuary co-founded by BES alumna Edith Barabash, is bringing animals to the people. Now, anyone with WiFi access can invite one of the sanctuary’s most popular attractions—Buckwheat, the 12-year-old donkey—to drop in on their Zoom meetings In the predemic times, the Farmhouse

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