The Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC) offers a limited number of visiting scholar opportunities for researchers and others whose experience, expertise or knowledge can enrich the research environment of the Faculty. In most cases, visiting scholars have ongoing affiliations at other institutions and will affiliate at EUC for a defined period. There is no stipend or teaching assignment associated with a visiting scholar position, but appointees may receive honoraria for occasional lectures, and the Faculty especially welcomes scholars whose work is linked to curriculum offerings at EUC.
Visiting scholars will be welcomed into a supportive, interdisciplinary community at EUC and will have opportunities to present their research to colleagues and students. They will be provided with campus wi-fi access, library privileges, and an email address. Subject to availability, they may also be provided with shared office space, access to meeting rooms, limited administrative support, and invitations to attend events and talks.
Visiting scholar positions are available for periods ranging from one month to one year, and require the support and endorsement of an EUC faculty member. Applications will be evaluated and recommended by the EUC Research and Global Affairs Committee. Final approval is at the discretion of the Dean. (Applicants from outside Canada should consult York International for advice on visas and permit).
Application Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- The quality of the proposed research project;
- The applicant’s record of achievement, whether in academic, artistic, professional, activist or other spheres;
- The alignment of research interests with scholarship at EUC, and the support of an EUC faculty member; and,
- The potential to foster long-term relationships or collaborations with EUC faculty or students.
Required Materials for Application Submissions*
Applications can be submitted at any time and should include the following materials:
- Applicant’s cover letter, including: a description of the research activities proposed during the visit; the source(s) of funding for the visit; and, any resources that will be required, e.g. office space, library access etc.;
- Applicant’s full curriculum vitae;
- The EUC faculty sponsor’s support letter (detailing their connection to the applicant and the research activities planned as a result of this affiliation);
- Current graduate students should also include a letter of support from their current supervisor
Submission Address & Contact Information
Completed applications should be sent to:
Research Officer, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change,
117 HNES Building, York University, 4700 Keele St, Toronto ON Canada M3J 1P3