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EUC Research Update - June 2022

Welcome to the June 2022 edition of the EUC Research Update  - bringing you highlights from research activities at York's Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change. We invite you to view our past updates on our Research News page.

Research Spotlights

Picture contains river and mountains

Deborah McGregor, Lisa Myers and Alan Corbiere on envisioning Indigenous-derived climate change futures.

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everything slackens in a wreck poster

Andil Gosine on exploring the reinventive human spirit in times of crisis.

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A cormorant standing in a rock at the water

Gail Fraser on Ontario's cormorant hunt and what it means for the future.

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Trudeau and his cabinet

Isaac Thornley on infrastructure, pipelines and Canada's fossil fuel industry. (Sights of Contestation - Part I: Unconscious).

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2 people standing in a cloudy, stormy background cheering

Alexandra Watt Simpson on bodies and resistance to Canada's fossil fuel industry. (Sights of Contestation - Part II: Body).

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A bunch of pipeline on the sand

Laurence Butet-Roch on polyphony and photography applied to pipeline projects. (Sights of Contestation - Part III: Images).

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Accolades and Awards

Congratulations to our faculty and student alumni who received grants and recognition for their work and collaborative research projects!

Dayna N Scott
Dayna Nadine Scott

Dayna Nadine Scott (Osgoode/EUC) with project co-director Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark (UVictoria) received a SSHRC Partnership Grant for their project on Infrastructure Beyond Extractivism: Material Approaches to Restoring Indigenous Jurisdiction to explore novel approaches that will restore Indigenous governing authority over lands and waterways. The funding will enable Scott and her collaborators to continue support for Indigenous land defenders across several bioregions who are working to build up and restore vital infrastructures in their territories. Scott’s own project continues in partnership with Neskantaga First Nation which is launching a new youth-focused Lake Sturgeon Stewardship program, Namekaa Gaagige, in the face of extractive pressures in the Attawapiskat River watershed due to the proposed development of the Ring of Fire. The project aims to generate insights about the relationship between infrastructure and jurisdiction, and to evaluate strategies for reclaiming and restoring Indigenous jurisdiction over lands and waters through the generation of vital infrastructures against extractivism. The research team is composed of critical scholars and land-based practitioners from across distinct North American bio-regions who have deep experience working in Indigenous communities in order to generate infrastructure that restores Indigenous jurisdiction. In collaboration with key university-based programs and research institutes (Yellowhead Institute at Toronto Metropolitan University; University of Toronto's Geography and Planning Department; and the Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement at the University of Victoria), the partnership is poised to generate ground-breaking new policy pathways for materializing infrastructure beyond extractivism. (See SSHRC News Release on details of grant recipients and YFile News).

Joseph Mensah and Valerie Preston are co-applicants in Philomina Okeke-Ihejirika's (University of Alberta) SSHRC Partnership Grant titled I am because we are - amplifying Sub-Saharan African immigrants' resilience and ability to thrive. The project will undertake innovative, cross-sectoral research partnership to challenge, expand and make more inclusive current approaches to immigration research and service provision.

Valerie Preston is also a co-applicant in Stephen Gaetz's (York University) SSHRC Partnership Grant titled The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness that will mobilize partnerships with academics, policy-makers, service providers and people with lived experience of homelessness to prevent and provide solution to this problem.

Andil Gosine | EUC | York University
Andil Gosine

Andil Gosine received a SSHRC Insight Grant for his project on Colin Robinson's Unfinished Work. The interdisciplinary project examines historical and contemporary articulations of sexual autonomy through consideration of the intellectual, literary and political legacy of Colin M. Robinson -- the Black, Queer, Caribbean-American writer and activist who made formidable impacts during his prolific and enduring engagement in social justice movements in the United States. Through documentation and analysis of Robinson's life and work, the project will bring together different genres and contexts in which he worked: literary arts, social services, human rights advocacy, politics, and Queer, Black and feminist communities.

Ute A Lehrer
Ute Lehrer

Gosine also received earlier a SSHRC Connection Grant for Nature's Wild in relation to his recent book Nature’ Wild: Love, Sex and Law in the Caribbean (Duke University Press, 2021). In this knowledge mobilization project, Gosine engages with questions of humanism, queer theory, and animality to examine and revise historical and contemporary understandings of queer desire.

Ute Lehrer received a SSHRC Insight Grant for her research on High-rise living, public space and COVID-19 in the Greater Toronto Area. The research examines high-rise living in the years before and during COVID-19 and how shared space has been used and altered in high-rise buildings. Throughout the pandemic, public space has been spotlighted as an important part of urban everyday life: (a) as a physical space where inhabitants have had to implement safe distance between one another; and (b) as an important social space where new ways of coming together have gradually taken shape. The project explores how people have experienced shared space and amenities in residential high-rise towers, and how people have developed new places and processes for social interaction within high-rises in the constrained context of COVID-19.

Murat Ucoglu

Lehrer and EUC postdoc Murat Ucoglu also received a MITACS Accelerate grant with Seyfi Tomar as industry partner on How to Create Affordable Housing Models in Toronto? The Discussion on Missing Middle and Financing Redevelopment. The project aims at analyzing what kind of policy change and urban redevelopment strategies could be created to increase the housing supply by creating an affordable housing policy in Toronto. It will primarily focus on the discussion of missing mid-rise and missing-middle in Toronto, and will look for what kind of housing models would be the best choices to create affordability in the city.

City Institute Executive member Prof. Luisa Sotomayor receives 2022 EUC  Dean's Service Award - The City Institute at York University (CITY)
Luisa Sotomayor

Luisa Sotomayor, with Lina Brand Correa as co-applicant, received a SSHRC Insight Grant for her research on Vertical Peripheries: Planning and citizenship in Colombia's commodified periurban housing towers. The research project in Canada and Colombia investigates the implementation and effects of Colombia's market-based housing policy as it restructures the country's metropolitan peripheries. It aims to understand how commodified social housing affects peripheral urbanization, urban planning processes, and ultimately, residents' everyday lives.

Sarah Flicker is a co-applicant in Ciann Wilson's (PI, Wilfrid Laurier University and ES PhD alumna) SSHRC Insight Grant on Living Memories: Community-based Storytelling of Indigenous and Black Histories and Realities in Canada.

Lisa Myers is a co-applicant in Suzanne Morrissette's (PI, OCAD University) SSHRC Insight Grant on Relationships, reciprocity, exchange: Indigenous and BPOC relationality and accountability within Indigenous territories.

Sarah Rotz

Sarah Rotz received the 2022 Julian M. Szeicz Award for Early Career Achievement. The award is presented annually by the Canadian Association of Geographers in recognition of research achievement and career potential by a Canadian geographer at an early career stage. Sarah's work is grounded in environmental justice applied to land and food systems. Much of her research aims to situate political economic processes -- such as agri-food industrialization, financialization and policy - within the lens of settler colonial patriarchy and racial capitalism. She also draws from anti-colonial, feminist and community-based methodologies to engage in accountable and reciprocal research practices for more just and sustainable land and food futures. She has published on topics ranging from political economy and ecology of farmland tenure and data capitalism in agriculture to intersecting gender inequities in academic research. Her work also critically examines the role of public and private institutions, including government ministries, research institutes, funding agencies, and industry sectors in maintaining and reproducing structural injustices.

Glen Norcliffe

Glen Norcliffe received the 2021 University of Toronto Geography Distinguished Alumnus Award. Norcliffe’s undergraduate studies at Cambridge coincided with the “awakening” of geography led by figures such as Peter Haggett and Richard Chorley. He continued his graduate work at the University of Toronto where Leslie Curry and Emilio Casetti were pointing the discipline in new directions. His doctorate at Bristol University, supervised by Michael Chisholm, confirmed his focus on industrial geography and regional growth. He joined York University in 1970 and 52 years later is still a faculty member, although his research interests have evolved to embrace social, political and cultural constructions within economic geography. He is currently working on the sport economy, technology (especially for the disabled), and interpretations of extractive peripheries.

Honor Ford-Smith

Honor Ford-Smith received a 2022 Honorary Associateship Award from the Canadian Association for Theatre Research. The honour is conferred by the scholarly association in recognition of an individual's significant and sustained contributions to theatre and performing arts in Canada. Ford-Smith has made fundamental contributions to Canadian and Jamaican theatre, connecting theory and praxis of decolonization through performance arts and practice. A co-founder and first artistic director of The Sistren Theatre Collective, established in 1977, she profoundly contributed to developing Jamaican community theatre, with a special focus on women’s rights, poverty, race and imperialism. The company’s initiatives revolved around economic and social justice and the Collective was involved with influential NGOs and Jamaican governmental organizations. Her theatrical projects focus on memory and urban violence extending the role of theatre into the sphere of social justice, by spilling out onto streets to give voice to Black and racialized communities that are the targets of structural violence and social inequality.

Jamilla Mohamud (MES alumna) received the 2022 President’s Award: Young Planner from the Canadian Institute of Planners.  Mohamud is an urban planner with Urban Strategies in Toronto. She is a frequent lecturer, panelist, and media commentator, while volunteering on several committees with the aim of raising awareness of the intersecting issues affecting historically disadvantaged populations. A founding member of the Black Planners and Urbanists Association (BPUA) leading the development of the BPUA’s submission to the Province of Ontario’s Housing Affordability Taskforce, she was nominated, and successfully selected, to represent the BPUA on the OPPI Anti-Black Racism in Planning Task Force. As issues of racism, colonialism and equity broaden the priorities of planners, Mohamud is among our young leaders redefining what it means to create inclusive, healthy communities. 

Kean Birch

Kean Birch received a SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant on Rethinking Canada's Competition Policy in the Digital Economy with the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). The partnership will analyze how the imperatives and implications of the digital economy impact market competition and innovation, especially when it comes to the monopolistic control of personal and corporate data. Ultimately, the goal is to develop a policy and regulatory proposal for submission to Canada’s Federal Government as part of their recently announced review of the Competition Act. Canada has the opportunity to learn from what other countries and jurisdictions (e.g. EU, USA, Australia) are doing around the world when it comes to rethinking their competition policies. The partnership will examine how these other countries are rethinking their approach to competition in the digital economy in order to contribute a policy proposal to the Federal Government's review of the Competition Act.

Jose Etcheverry
Jose Etcheverry

Jose Etcheverry received a sub-grant from the Building 7-Generation Community Legacy Project to collaborate on research/evaluation, education, community engagement, and grant opportunities for the 7-Generation strategy work. The Legacy Project is a social venture focused on research, education, and social innovation. Since 2000, it has worked with children, youth, adults, elders, schools, libraries, organizations and communities across Canada and the United States. Its work connects the dots between psychosocial, economic, and ecological wellbeing, pioneering 7-Generation Strategy. The Project’s 7-Generation work, starting in Markham, involves bringing together young people and older adults to enrich each other’s lives as well as to make a difference in their community. The ultimate goal of the 7-Generation work is systems innovation that interconnects and addresses multiple issues simultaneously – ranging from the wellbeing, empowerment, lifelong learning and social inclusion of older adults to children’s mental health, learning, belonging and wellbeing to generational issues like social cohesion, equity, and climate change. Other collaborating organizations include Social Services Network, Markham Public Library, and the City of Markham. Partners include United Way Greater Toronto; Intergenerational Schools International; and Generations United.

EUC Research in the Media

enior honours work spotlighting undergraduate research now featured in the EUC webpage! (From L-R) Tanisha Mehta, Maya Adachi, Sarika Ganguli, Andrew Gavloski, Rooha Imran and Sarah Costa.
Senior honours work spotlighting undergraduate research now featured in the EUC webpage! (From L-R) Tanisha Mehta, Maya Adachi, Sarika Ganguli, Andrew Gavloski, Rooha Imran and Sarah Costa.

In the week leading up to the York convocation, EUC launched a new webpage and social media campaign highlighting several students who completed their Senior Honours Work in the past academic year. The webpage consists of a landing page and individualized profile pages with a short blog detailing their respective senior honours projects as well as short videos describing their student experience and research work. Special thanks to Sarah Costa for her creativity and initiative in proposing this project and to Gail Fraser, Liliana Piccone, Ann Tsirgielis and Paul Tran for the guidance and support! 

How do you move? This was a research question asked in a SSHRC partnership development project on StudentMoveTO led by Raktim Mitra from Toronto Metropolitan University with Roger Keil as co-applicant and Patricia Wood as collaborator. In their June 2022 symposium, participating researchers shared the key results from the largest-ever study on student transportation.

Launched in 2019, the study sought to understand ways to improve transportation experiences for post-secondary students in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). Ten universities and colleges participated in the study and more than 15,000 students provided input to inform the findings between September, 2019 and April, 2022. Faculty and student researchers also factored in changes in transportation and movement habits brought on by COVID-19. The symposium discussed insights from the StudentMoveTO research and their implications for creating better transportation services in the region as well as improving student well-being since the project's research findings revealed that commute impacts on post-secondary students' academic success.

The StudentMoveTO study included participation from Centennial College, Durham College, OCAD University, McMaster University, Mohawk College, Toronto Metropolitan University, Sheridan College, Ontario Tech University, University of Toronto, and York University and included four community partners including Metrolinx, City of Toronto, The Centre for Active Transportation (TCAT) and Maximum City, with the goal of facilitating the translation of insights from this study into actions leading to better transportation systems in the region.

Viral Intervention Poster
Viral Interventions (VI) short videos about HIV realities today premiered on June 22 at the Anthology Film Archives in New York, USA. Photo above is Samuel Lopez & Christian Hui's Walking in These Shoes (2022), which is a tribute to HIV-positive activist Derek “Dyee’ Yee.

In The Conversation, adjunct professor Bruce Campbell discusses the danger of regulations being taken over by private interests of an industry, instead of being used to protect citizens’ health, safety & the environment, and the need to stop these practices.

In Toronto Star, Lorraine Johnson and Sheila Colla outline five steps that can be taken to create pollinator habitat in your garden. Given the importance of pollinators to the natural ecosystem, many people are looking for practical ways to support the intricate ecological relationships between plants and insects that have evolved over centuries.

Roger Keil was interviewed in The Sprawl on the question: Can The Suburbs Help Fight Against Climate Change? In this article, Keil noted that to become more sustainable, cities need to start doing something with the suburbs, rather than doing something about them. Ultimately, if cities are to rely on the empowerment of suburbanites to mobilize against the climate crisis, recognizing their potential is essential. “We need to have a conversation about how to change the way we live, and that must include the suburbs at the table,” he says. Keil's project website on The City after COVID-19: Vulnerability and urban governance in Chicago, Toronto, and Johannesburg with Michigan State University and the University of the Witwatersrand is now up and running. Check them out!

From left, right, and bottom: Patricia Wood presenting her paper on qualitative research on mobility in a pandemic city; Roger Keil presenting his study on students in the city, transportation, and urban life; and student participants Shahreen Shewar and Moshen Alavi who shared his research on understanding attitudes of students towards private car use and public transit.

StudentMoveTO symposium at York: From left, right, and bottom: Patricia Wood presenting her paper on qualitative research on mobility in a pandemic city; Roger Keil presenting his study on students in the city, transportation, and urban life; and student participants Shahreen Shewar and Moshen Alavi who shared his research on understanding attitudes of students towards private car use and public transit.

Viral Interventions (VI) is a York University research-creation project, led by artists/researchers John Greyson (AMPD) & Sarah Flicker (EUC), with artists/mentors Alison Duke, Darien Taylor, Milada Kovacova and Richard Fung. VI has commissioned short videos about HIV realities today by diverse artists featuring the works of Zachary Longboy, Lesley Chan, Samuel Lopez and Christian Hui, Mikiki, Andrew Zealley (ES PhD), and Esery Mondesir. Visual AIDS presented the US premiere on June 22 at the Anthology Film Archives in New York.

ES PhD graduate Andrew Zealley's work on Becoming Mighty Real, 2022 is a visual and sonic experimental short punctuated by disco and an intergenerational dialogue on HIV/AIDS in the 2020s. AMPD undergraduate students Sam Eisner, Bilal Mian, and Johann Wong, are working on creating short documentaries about the artists/ researchers on the project.  

ES PhD student Maureen Owino & post-doctoral fellow Katie MacEntee have been working with community members to create cellphilms about living through the triple pandemics of HIV, COVID and anti-black racism.

As part of the launch of riverMOUTH, a project by Urbanvessel Performing Arts, professor Gail Fraser, alongside biologist Clement Kent, led a leisurely nature walk along the lower Cobechenonk/Humber River. During the walk, insights into the flying, fluttering, swimming, swooping, creeping and crawling creatures who inhabit the river valley were shared among the participants.

Andil Gosine and Rajiv Mohabir read from each other’s books (Nature’s Wild: Love, Sex and Law in the Caribbean and Antiman) on June 13 and conversed about legacies of queer “wrecking work” by indentured workers and their descendants as part of the Ford Foundation Gallery events where Gosine's everything slackens in a wreck is exhibited. The exhibition was listed a must-see by Hyperallergic and further featured in New York Times Design and Art page.

In an interview for Alternatives Journal titled The Dean’s Gambit:
Staying one move ahead on the path of life-long learning written by Siobhan Mullally, Alice Hovorka shared her best tips and heartfelt encouragement to new graduates looking to put their best foot forward into further education.

In a curator talk on June 22, Lisa Myers, spoke about key works, themes and threads that weave through Powerful Glow, her new exhibition exploring the legacy of late Mi’kmaw artist Mike MacDonald that premiered on June 17 at the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery (KWAG). She discussed the terms reciprocity, remediation and remembering in relation to the exhibition. Myers also discussed the legacy of late Mi’kmaw artist Mike MacDonald, whose powerful work and life is the emanating glow at the heart of the exhibition, and the twin re-planting of his medicine and butterfly garden Planting one Another at KWAG and the Woodlands Cultural Centre in Brantford. (See interview with KWAG curator Darryn Doull and video of Planting Together: Finding Flowers' First Years).

Rod MacRae weighs in on a discussion in a Globe and Mail article about how supply chain disruptions are impacting restauranteurs and how using more local suppliers can increase transparency. “Typically, the longer the supply chain, the more difficult it becomes to ascertain what the production system is,” he says. 

Ellie Perkin
Ellie Perkins' talk on the latest United Nations climate report:
Accelerating the energy transition.

In May, Anders Sandberg and Baillie Weiderick travelled together to attend and learn from a plant diversity workshop and medicine plant walk, hosted by Indigenous Elders and Anishinaabe teachers. The event is part of a broader Indigenous Experience Planning to provide Indigenous perspectives in planning and to find ways in which other jurisdictions, including York University, could work collaboratively with Indigenous communities in a way that centers Indigenous voices and respects the significance of geographical landmarks and locales.

Also in May, Cate Sandilands delivered a virtual lecture on arboreal feminism in the (M)Anthropocene sponsored The Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, Netherlands. In the talk, Sandilands explored the idea of "arboreal feminism" in three recent literary texts: Richard Powers' The Overstory, Sumana Roy's How I Became a Tree, and Han Kang's The Vegetarian. Considering themes of vegetal intimacy, arboreal communication, and gendered and interspecies violence, she discussed, whether becoming-tree might represent an arboreal feminist praxis of the human, of desiring vegetal forms of connection and responsibility, against a Man that, in Sylvia Wynter's words, "overrepresents itself as if it were the human itself." The talk is part of the Studium Generale lecture series Wxtch Craft Spring Cycle '22: (Tr)ancestral body wisdom for a more-than-human Sex Magick.

Sandilands was also invited to lecture in March on  “Loving the Difficult: Scotch Broom, Botanical Colonialism, and the Possibility of Cohabitation,” as part of the Environmental Humanities and Ecologies of Justice Speakers Series at Tufts University, Medford MA. In 2021, she delivered a video entanglements lecture on "Mulberies: A Biopolitical Love Story" sponsored by the Environmental Humanities Centre based also in The Netherlands.

In a Reuters article about the role of mining in the transition towards electric vehicles (EV), Dayna Scott, research chair in environmental law and justice in the green economy at York, discusses the Ring of Fire and the lack of Indigenous consultation and consent processes by groups whose land will be impacted by the mining activities. “We’re seeing indigenous rights questions and issues really coming to the fore in the Ring of Fire,” says Scott, as well as questions about the preservation of the area's peatlands, or “breathing lands”, as they’re known by Indigenous peoples of the region. In Episode 36 of Podcast or Perish, she speaks about the Ring of Fire, Indigenous control over First Nations land, and the transition to a green economy.

Lisa Myers' curator talk on Powerful Glow and Planting One Another  at the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery.
Lisa Myers' curator talk on Powerful Glow and Planting One Another
at the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery.

Huge potential now exists to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency, adoption of renewables and new energy infrastructures, and the global spread of low-emission technologies and lifestyles which can provide healthy, decent living standards for all. These coordinated energy transition strategies have the potential to reduce GHG emissions by 40 to 70 percent before 2050. EUC Professor, Patricia "Ellie" Perkins, a lead author of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change report released in April, discussed new insights and their implications for Canadians in Scholars' Hub @ Home on June 22.

The latest of Sarah Rotz's RAIR Digital Dialogues are now available for listening on Apple podcasts with topics on Rematriation as Relational Practice with Alivia Moore and Kessi Kimball of the Eastern Woodlands Rematriation Collective; Learning from the Treaty Land Sharing Network with Amy Seesequasis and Dr. Emily Eaton; and Digging into Indigenous Food Sovereignty with Dr. Tabitha Robin Martens.

In The Conversation, Linn Biörklund (Geography PhD candidate) and Research Fellow at the Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS) and affiliate of the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) penned an article titled Central America’s caravan of mothers: Personal grief and political grievance about disappearing migrants and the power of mothers employing maternalism in political protests.

  Cate Sandilands delivered a virtual lecture on arboreal feminism in the (M)Anthropocene sponsored by The Royal Academy of Art, based in The Hague, Netherlands

Cate Sandilands delivered a virtual lecture on arboreal feminism in the (M)Anthropocene sponsored by The Royal Academy of Art, based in The Hague, Netherlands.

In a CBC news video, Mark Winfield weighs in on the federal credit system to offset costs for reducing GHG emissions. He also spoke to City News Ottawa about approaches to reducing greenhouse gases among different political parties in Ontario, emphasizing that as the country’s second largest source it has national implications.  In the Hamilton Spectator, Winfield contributed an opinion piece about Ontario's environment and the Ford nation redux following the disappointing outcome of the provincial election particularly to those concerned about the environment and climate change.

The York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) event on "Thinking Like an Archipelago: Design & Spatial Practice for Climate Change Adaptation in Indonesia" is now available for viewing on YouTube with Abidin Kusno as moderator and Geography graduate student Ria Jhoanna Ducusin.

Publications and Reports

Sheila Colla and Lorraine Johnson launched their book A Garden for the Rusty-Patched Bumblebee: Creating Habitat for Native Pollinators (Ontario & Great Lakes Edition, Douglas & McIntyre 2022) at High Park Nature Centre, Toronto, on June 8.

The book provides all the information gardeners need to take action to support and protect pollinators, by creating habitat in yards and community spaces, on balconies and boulevards, everywhere!

With more than 300 native plants of Ontario and the Great Lakes region profiled in detail, along with sample garden designs, ideas for beautiful plant pairings and numerous tips for success, the fully-illustrated guide helps gardeners discover the crucial connections between native plants and native pollinators, and learn how to cultivate patches of pollinator paradise.

On CBC's Fresh Air, Colla and Johnson talked about why it's important to build a garden for native pollinators and which plants may be best for helping create a place for bees and butterflies, while creating a beautiful garden.

  A Treaty Guide for Torontonians (2022)  book launch with (L-R): Jill Carter, Jesse Wabegijig, Martha Stiegman, Victoria Freeman, Ange Loft and Carolyn King at the Small Arms Inspection Building in Mississauga on June 5.
A Treaty Guide for Torontonians (2022) book launch with (L-R): Jill Carter, Jesse Wabegijig, Martha Stiegman, Victoria Freeman, Ange Loft and Carolyn King at the Small Arms Inspection Building in Mississauga on June 5.
Sheila Colla (above) with co-author Lorraine Johnson signing their new book A Garden for the Rusty-Patched Bumblebee: Creating Habitat for Native Pollinators at High Park Nature Centre, Toronto on June 8.
Sheila Colla (above) with co-author Lorraine Johnson signing their new book A Garden for the Rusty-Patched Bumblebee: Creating Habitat for Native Pollinators at High Park Nature Centre, Toronto on June 8.

The Toronto Biennial of Art, Jumblies Theatre, and Art Metropole celebrated the book launch of A Treaty Guide for Torontonians (Talking Treaties Collective, 2022) that examines the complex intercultural roots of treaty relationships in the place we now call Toronto, tracing the history of treaty making between Indigenous nations and between Indigenous nations and the Crown.

A Treaty Guide inspires an active approach to treaty awareness through land-based, embodied learning tools that help readers ground their relationship to this history and take up their treaty responsibilities in the present.

Authors Ange Loft, Jill Carter, Martha Stiegman, and Victoria Freeman of the Talking Treaties Collective, shared the project’s background and how the publication came to be with a dramatic reading of excerpts from the book featuring actor Jesse Wabegijig and Carolyn King who gave an introduction, followed by a live audience Q&A. The book can be ordered through Art Metropole.

Damian, M., Harris, A., Aussage, J., and Fraser, G. (2022). Seasonal deposition of marine debris on an important marine turtle nesting beach in Costa Rica, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 177.

Das, R. (2022). Capital, Capitalism, and Health. Critical Sociology. March.

Ford-Smith, H. and Hanson, B. (2022). "Justice as a Labor of Care: Self-Care, Collective Entanglement and Feminist Activism in Caribbean Spaces." Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International. 11, 2 (2022): 42-65.

Gosine, A. (2022). Kelly Sinnapah Mary’s Quarantine. Wasafiri, Volume 37, 2022 - Issue 2: Afterlives of Indenture. Guest Edited by Andil Gosine and Nalini Mohabir. For more information:

Gosine, A. and Mohabir, N. (2022). Afterlives of Indenture. Wasafiri, Volume 37, 2022 - Issue 2: Afterlives of Indenture. Guest Edited by Andil Gosine and Nalini Mohabir. For more information:

Hyndman, J. (2022). Reimagining “refugee” protection: Beyond improving the status quo, in Displacement, Belonging, and Migrant Agency in the Face of Power edited by Tamar Mayer and Trinh Tran. Routledge, London. June.

Hyndman, J. (2022) Geo-scripts and refugee resettlement in Canada: Designations and destinations. Canadian Geographer, online: 25 June 2022.

Iantorno, M., Doggett, O., Chandra, P., Chen, J.Y., Steup, R., Raval, N., Khovanskaya, V., Lam, L., Singh, A., Rotz, S., and Ratto, M. (2022). Outsourcing Artificial Intelligence: Responding to the Reassertion of the Human Element into Automation. ACM Digital Library. April. For more information:

Kapoor, A., Fraser, G.S., Carter, A.V., and Brooks, D. (2022). Overcoming Divisive Strategic Environmental Assessments for Offshore Oil and Gas in Nova Scotia, CanadaJournal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management.

Keil, R. & Wu, F. (Eds, 2022). After Suburbia: Urbanization in the Twenty-First century. University of Toronto Press, October.

Kipfer, S. (2022). Fanon for a Post-Imperial World: On Universals and Other Human Matters. In Partisan Universalism: Essays in Honor of Ato Sekyi-Otu by Gamal Abdel-Shehid and Sofia Noori. Daraja Press/Zand Graphics Ltd. May.

Lightman, N., Banerjee, R., Tungohan, E., de Leon, C., and Kelly, P. (2022). An intersectional pathway penalty: Filipina immigrant women inside and outside Canada’s Live-In Caregiver Program. International Migration. April.

Preston, V. McLafferty, S., and Maciejewska, M. (2022). Gender, Immigration, and Commuting in Metropolitan Canada. Journal of Economic and Human Geography, May.

Reed, G., Brunet, N., McGregor, D., Scurr, S., Sadik, T., Lavigne, J., and Longboat, S. (2022). Toward Indigenous visions of nature-based solutions: an exploration into Canadian federal climate policy, Climate Policy, Volume 22, Issue 4. For more information:

Rotz, S. (2022). Food as Relations: Reflecting on our Roots, (Re)visioning our Relationships. In Food Studies: Matter, Meaning & Movement, Pressbooks.

Sotomayor, L., Tarhan, D., Vieta, M., McCartney, S., and Mas, A. (2022). When students are house-poor: Urban universities, student marginality, and the hidden curriculum of student housing. Cities, Volume 124, May, 103572.

Wilson, N., Montoya, T., Lambrinidou, Y., Harris, L., Pauli, B., McGregor, D., Patrick, R., Gonzalez, S., Pierce, G., and Wutich, A. (2022). From “trust” to “trustworthiness”: Retheorizing dynamics of trust, distrust, and water security in North America. Environment and Planning E Nature and Space, May.

NFRF Exploration Grant - NOI due June 28, 2022

Killam Prize Nomination - June 30, 2022

Canada Gairner Momentum Award - Stage 1 submision on July 15, 2022

Gairdner Early Career Investigator Competition - August 1, 2022

NSERC Discovery Grant - NOI: August 1, 2022

SSHRC Connection Grants - August 1, 2022

WSIB Grants Program: Systematic Review Funding Opportunity - August 5, 2022

SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant on Gender-Based Violence - September 1, 2022

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships - September 14, 2022

Sloan Research Fellowships - September 15, 2022

Guggenheim Fellowships - September 15, 2022

SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants - September 15, 2022

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships - September 21, 2022

NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) - Application by Invitation: September 22, 2022

Canada Gairdner International Award - October 1, 2022

Banting Postdoctoral Awards - October 1, 2022

John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award - October 1, 2022

SSHRC Insight Grants - October 1, 2022

NSERC Research Tools & Instruments - October 25, 2022

SSHRC Partnership Grants Stage 2 - October 29, 2022

NSERC Discovery Grant - Application: November 1, 2022

NSERC Discovery Grant: Northern Research Supplements - November 1, 2022

SSHRC Connection Grants - November 1, 2022

Fulbright Canada: Canadian Traditional Scholar Awards - November 15, 2022

Fulbright Canada: Canadian Visiting Chairs - November 15, 2022

Fulbright Canada: Traditional Fulbright Student Awards - November 15, 2022

SSHRC Partnership Development Grants - November 15, 2022

SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants - December 15, 2022

Weston Family Foundation Homegrown Innovation Challenge - Shepherd Phase - December 20, 2022

CANSSI Ontario Data Access Grants - Rolling deadline

NSERC Alliance Grants - No deadline

NSERC Alliance International - No deadline

NSERC Alliance - MITACS Accelerate - No deadline

NSERC Alliance Quantum Grants - Strengthening Canada's quantum research and innovation capacity - applications accepted until October 2023

For more info, do check the integrated calendar of agency and interagency funding opportunities from all three federal research funding agencies and the Canada Foundation for Innovation, including agency-specific and jointly administered programs.

Important note: Please check eligibility criteria and requirements before you apply. Also note that these are agency deadlines which vary from your respective institutional deadlines for internal review, endorsement, and approval.

CIHR News  - Help CIHR identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility in the health research funding system

NSERC News  - Science Exposed! Vote for your favourite research image from this year’s selection to help determine the People’s Choice Award!

SSHRC News -  Government of Canada invests in over 800 projects to advance social sciences and humanities research

GoC News - National Indigenous History Month

University Affairs – Using campus 5G networks, researchers aim for the next big innovation

University World News - WHEC 2022 – Reinventing higher education for a sustainable future

YFile News - Researcher aims to prevent food fights by promoting national food policy

Contact Us

The EUC Research Update is compiled by the Research Office at EUC: Research Officer Rhoda Reyes, Associate Dean Philip Kelly, and Work-Study Student Claire Morson. Thanks to Paul Tran for the web design and development.

We welcome the opportunity to pass along research-related information and achievements from our whole community - faculty, postdocs, visiting scholars, students, and retirees.

News for future updates can be submitted using the EUC Kudos and News form, circulated monthly. Or, send your news directly to:

If you are not on the EUC community listserves, but would like to receive this Research Update each month, send an email to

Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC)

4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario,  Canada M3J 1P3

(416) 736-5252