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Understanding differential vulnerabilities to environmental stressors among native North American bumblebee species

Understanding differential vulnerabilities to environmental stressors among native North American bumblebee species

Bee on a yellow flower

Principal Investigator: Sheila Colla.

Funding: NSERC Discovery Grant.

Term: 2017-2026.

The savethebumbblebees lab is com prised of members from both the Department of Biology and the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change. As a lab, the project team is interested in all aspects of native pollinator conservation. Research is interdisciplinary, including ecology, conservation biology, policy and citizen science. Please take a look at our site, and hopefully learn a little more about our research, bumblebees, and conservation efforts in general. Related projects have generously been funded by The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, The Province of Ontario, MITACS and The Liber Ero Fellowship Program. Research partners include, The Nature Conservancy of Canada, Friends of the Earth Canada, Wildlife Preservation Canada, Ontario Nature and The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.
