Principal Investigator: Sarah Flicker.
Funding: SSHRC New Frontiers Research Fund.
Term: 2021-2023.
The project brings together an international and interdisciplinary team of scholars with expertise in participatory methods, sexuality, and global health research. The project’s multi-method, multidisciplinary, and multi-site research will examine how COVID-19 is redefining risk and re-forming youth sexuality in Australia, Canada, and the United States, all countries with liberal democracies with comparable discourses and debates surrounding youth sexuality, but starkly different experiences of and responses to the pandemic. Results will be used to develop site-specific and transnational briefings, videos, podcasts, and other resources to help sex educators, parents and youth navigate social norms, health risks, and sexual relationships during (and, eventually, in the wake of a pandemic.
Website: https://research.monash.edu/en/projects/transnational-perspectives-on-covid-19s-impact-on-youth-sexuality