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Climate, conflict, and co-existence: Identifying the drivers of human-polar bear interaction in Southern Hudson Bay

Climate, conflict, and co-existence: Identifying the drivers of human-polar bear interaction in Southern Hudson Bay

Polar Bear in Water

Principal Investigator: Gregory Thiemann

Funding: World Wildlife Fund

Term: 2021 - to date

The primary goal of this research is to reduce the risk of human-polar bear conflict. This will both reduce the risk of injury to people and reduce the number of polar bears killed in defense of life or property. Secondarily, the proposed research will contribute to broader management and conservation efforts in the region; identify opportunities and challenges for the co-production of knowledge related to polar bears and human-polar bear conflict in Southern Hudson Bay; facilitate public engagement with, and public confidence in, polar bear research; advance the social and cultural interests of local people; and better understand the consequences of sea ice loss on polar bear ecology and demography.