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Vero Diaz

Vero Diaz

Photo of Vero Diaz

Vero Diaz

Founder and Director, Phoenix Rising Studio

Master in Environmental Studies 2015

"I valued the artistic cohort that were my peer-mentors and now family; as well as a select few professors that have an intersectional and equity lens."

About Vero Diaz

Vero Diaz proudly developed her network while at EUC with the support of committed professors.

Vero joined the EUC community in 2013, after a friend recommended the program. While in the program, she wanted to focus on decolonial arts, and develop her network with arts communities within Toronto and Latin America.

When reflecting on her experience at EUC, she highlights beginning with a dream, and wanting to experiment. Throughout her years at EUC, Vero participated in mural art, poetry, and performance art. She regards EUC as a good place to continue to develop an artistic intensity, using multi-media forms, and intersectional community relationships. She regards the program as rigorous and demanding, and acknowledges that she was able to continue and move forward with the support of the networks she helped nourish.

Now, Vero seeks to develop herself as a professional artist and creative entrepreneur; she is building her arts based business called Phoenix Rising Studio centred in self-mastery and self love through photography, videography, visual arts, and healing arts; as well as contributing to diverse communities as an artist.

After reflecting on her journey, Vero says that the MES program helps dreams come true. She advises students to have faith in themselves- exactly who they are and to trust that they can achieve success. In a concluding note, Vero suggested that she encourages all students in this field to focus on “being the artist they want to be”, and to not worry about society standards and industry limitations. As Vero highlighted, true success is achieved when you can be true to yourself.


  • Ontario Arts Council (OAC) 2017 Exhibition Assistance Grant
  • MicroGrant Platform A Grant 2015 Recipient, Jumblies Theatre
  • Lambert Family Graduate Award 2014


  • Cuarenta y Nueve, book contribution, ‘Armour’ Poetry piece, and ‘wildwoman’ self portrait photography series, Jreams Publishing
  • Red Surrender, Black Solo : Watah Anthology of Contemporary Canadian Monodrama, Sorplusi Press
  • 2016 Existing in Liminality - Artistic Panel, Centre for Research on Latin America and Carribean International Graduate Research Conference, Toronto, ON: “Red Surrender and the Tlacuila Nepantlera Mariposa Journey”
  • 2016 Red Soil, Centre for Research on Latin America and Carribean International Graduate Research Confernence Panel, Toronto, ON