Brett Dolter
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Regina
PhD in Environmental Studies 2016
"It was an honour to study with and learn from Peter Victor, one of the great minds in ecological economics."
About Brett Dolter
Brett Dolter is an ecological economist specializing in climate and energy policy research. He has published in journals such as Energy Policy and Ecological Economics. Brett completed his PhD degree at York University where his research focused on pathways for greening the Saskatchewan grid. He holds a Masters in Economics from the University of Victoria and a Masters in Resource Management and Environmental Studies from UBC.
In between these degrees Brett worked as a senior policy analyst for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment’s Green Policy unit. Most recently he held a Research Fellowship at the University of Ottawa’s Institute of Environment. Brett is now a postdoctoral research fellow in the University of Regina’s Faculty of Arts where he is affiliated with Economics, Geography, and Environmental Studies.
- SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (2016-2017) “Regional Energy and Climate Policy Analysis in Canada”
- SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Doctoral Scholarship “Greening the Saskatchewan Grid” (2014-2015)
- SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship “Greening the Saskatchewan Grid” (2011-2014)
- Sustainable Prosperity Research Grant (2014) “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting in Canadian Goods and Imports”
- Dolter, Brett David and Nicholas Rivers (2018) “The Cost of Decarbonizing the Canadian Electricity System.” Energy Policy. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.10.040.
- Victor, Peter and Brett Dolter (Eds.) (2017) Handbook on Growth and Sustainability. Northampton MA: Edward Elgar. [Co-editor]
- Dolter, Brett and Peter Victor (2016) “Casting A Long Shadow: The Implications of Demand-based accounting of Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Ecological Economics. 127, pp. 156-164. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.04.013.
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