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The Centre for Bee Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (BEEc) hosts the twelfth annual BeeCon

The Centre for Bee Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (BEEc) hosts the twelfth annual BeeCon

BeeCon is a free, annual conference that brings together bee biologists on a global scale to discuss bees, collection methods, pollination, genomics, conservation and behaviour. This year’s BeeCon welcomed bee researchers and community members from over 30 countries spanning six continents. BeeCon, hosted by BEEc, took place on Oct. 12 and 13.  

Bee researchers and professionals taking part in the in-person portion of BeeCon 2023. Photo by Laura Newburn

This year’s conference featured keynote speaker, Professor Kevin Matteson of the Department of Biology at Miami University. Matteson presented a talk titled, “Pollinator Conservation in Cities.” A YouTube recording of the Matteson’s presentation can be viewed here.

Amidst various threats endangering bee populations, collaboration between bee researchers and academics plays a pivotal role in safeguarding pollinators worldwide. BEEc promotes collaborative and innovative research, aiming to advance policy changes essential for the conservation and evolution of bees. Through free attendance, BeeCon serves as a platform where researchers can disseminate advances in bee research globally, fostering a positive impact for the future.

BeeCon 2023 was sponsored by the Office of the Vice President of Research and Innovation, the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, and the Faculty of Science. 

Select recordings of BeeCon presentations will be available soon viewed on the BEEc YouTube channel, subscribers to the channel can receive a notification when new videos are uploaded.