Associate Professor
PhD Agriculture, McGill University
MSc Agriculture, McGill University
BA History, Acadia University
Research Keywords
Canadian Joined-Up Food Policy; Regulatory Frameworks For Pesticide & GE Crops; Demand - Supply Management In The Food System; Strategies To Localize The Food & Agriculture System; Farm Environmental Goods & Services Payments.

Contact Information
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
416 736 2100
Research Interests
My research focuses on creating a national food policy for Canada, and the set of coherent and comprehensive programs required to support such a policy. The courses I teach identity the problems of the food and agriculture system, its vulnerabilities, where change is possible in the short, medium and long term, and the strategies that could bring about effective change. The graduate students I work with explore from inter-disciplinary perspectives viable solutions to pressing environmental and social problems.
Research Projects
Research Output
On sabbatical 2020-21
Course Code | Title |
ENVS1011 | Introduction to Sustainable Food Systems |
ENVS4011 | Food, Land and Culture |
ENVS6172 | Food Policy Development in Canada |