Associate Dean for Research, Graduate & Global Affairs
PhD Geography, University of British Columbia
MA Geography, McGill University
BA Hons Geography, Oxford University
Research Keywords
Labour Migration; Transnationalism; Economic Geography; Global Economy; Canada, Philippines, Southeast Asia.
Graduate Supervision
I supervise students in the graduate program in Geography.
Contact Information
HNES 139D, 4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
416 736 2100 x66199
Research Interests
My research revolves around questions of migration and labour, within broader contexts of uneven economic geographies and class-based inequalities. I have a longstanding commitment to research in the Philippines and Southeast Asia and have also worked extensively with the Filipino community in Canada. My recent research has included projects focused on: inter-generational class mobility among Filipino youth in Canada; Filipino immigrant integration in Canada, especially in the context of the caregiver program; and, the ways in which transnational ties between Canada and the Philippines foster alternative economic and political practices in both places. My research and mobilization work has usually been in collaboration with community organizations – including the development of Filipino-centric curriculum with a school board in Toronto, and engaging in ‘data liberation’ for community agencies working on immigrant employment issues. Most recently, I am working with collaborators on a project that studies the role of migrant labour in the global fisheries and seafood supply chains. More generally, my work focuses on social justice for migrants and immigrants in changing urban labour markets, and the ways in which labour processes are configured in global industries.
Research Projects
Research Output
Recognition & Awards
- Canadian Association of Geographers, Julian M. Szeicz Award
Course Code | Title |
GEOG 4190 | Migrant Economies |
GEOG 5209 | Masters Seminar in Critical Human Geography |