Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar
BSocSc EPS , Birmingham
PhD Economics, British Columbia
Research Keywords
Ecological Economics Environmental Policy Sustainability
Contact Information
Research Interests
I am an economist who has worked on environmental issues for over 40 years as an academic, consultant and public servant. I was one of the founders of the emerging discipline of ecological economics and was the first President of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics. By extending input-output analysis, I was the first economist to apply the physical law of the conservation of matter to the empirical analysis of a national economy. My most recent books are Managing without Growth. Slower by Design, not Disaster (Edward Elgar, 2008) and The Costs of Economic Growth (ed) (Edward Elgar, 2013). Currently, I am collaborating with Prof. Tim Jackson on the development of ecological macroeconomics.
I am a Professor in Environmental Studies at York University and from 1996 to 2001 was Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Studies. This followed several years as Assistant Deputy Minister of the Environmental Sciences and Standards Division in the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Prior to that, I am a principal of VHB Consulting and Victor and Burrell Research and Consulting where I undertook many influential policy-related economic studies in Canada and abroad.
I have served on numerous boards and advisory committees and has appeared as an expert witness before various Commissions. Currently, I am Chair of the Greenbelt Council of Ontario, a full member of the Club of Rome, and a member of Advisory Committee on Environmental Statistics for Statistics Canada, the Academic Advisory Panel of TruCost, the Board of the David Suzuki Foundation, the Advisory Board of the New Economics Coalition, and the editorial advisory board of several academic journals.
Research Projects
Research Output
Recognition & Awards
- Kenneth E. Boulding Memorial Award, The International Society for Ecological Economics
- Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal
- Senior Scholar, Centre for Humans and Nature
- Delta Management Clean 16 Award (Education)
- Metcalf Foundation Fellow
- Canada Council fo the Arts Molson Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities
- Toronto's Super Hero by The Torontoist
- First Lifetime Member of the International Association of Environmental Testing Laboratories (Ontario)
- Commonwealth Scholar
- Vice-Chancellor's Prize, University of Birmingham