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Patricia Wood

Patricia Wood



PhD History, Duke University

Research Keywords

Citizenship & Governance; Settler Colonialism; Cities; Political Ecology; Cultural Geographies.

Patricia Wood

Contact Information

4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

416 736 2100

Research Projects

1. Unstable properties: book project on Aboriginal title and the invention of British Columbia, with UBC Press, co-authored with David Rossiter, Western Washington University

2. Toronto the Better: research project on comparative urban governance, with Alexandra Flynn, Allard School of Law, UBC

3. StudentMoveTO: collaborator on a multi-university and community partner project studying the mobility of post-secondary students in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, PI: Raktim Mitra, Ryerson University

4. Paradoxes of Liberal Democracy: book project, with University of Toronto Press

Research Output

Mary Gilmartin, Patricia Burke Wood and Cian O’Callaghan, Mobility and Citizenship in the Era of Brexit and Trump, Bristol & Chicago: Bristol University/Policy Press, 2018.

Citizenship, Activism and the City: The Invisible and the Impossible, London & New York: Routledge. 2017.

Patricia Wood and David A. Rossiter, “The Geography of the Crown: Reflections on Mikisew Cree and Williams Lake,” Supreme Court Law Review 94: 187-206. 2020.

“How Should We Study Racial Segregation?” Dialogues in Human Geography, 9:3, 363-365, 2019.

“Significance of Horses: Control Legislation and Impact on Irish Travellers,” Society & Animals 27:5-6, 487-504, 2019.

Patricia Wood and Mary Gilmartin, “Irish Enough: Changing Narratives of Citizenship and National Identity in the context of Brexit,” with Mary Gilmartin, Space and Polity, special issue on Brexit Geographies, 22:2, 224-237, 2018.

 “‘The World Needs More Canada’: a brief historical geography of the liberal democracy we think we are,” Historical Geography, special discussion section on Canada at 150, 45: 110-113.

“Travellers, Land Management and the Political Ecology of Social Marginalisation,” Irish Geography, 50:1, 59-80, 2017.

Patricia Wood and David Rossiter, “The Politics of Refusal: Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Northern Gateway Pipeline,” Canadian Geographer, 61:2, 165-77, 2017.

Andrew Medeiros, Patricia Wood, Michael Bakaic, Jessica Peters and Sonia Wesche, “Water Security for Northern Peoples: review of threats to Arctic freshwater systems in Nunavut, Canada,” Regional Environmental Change, 17:3, 635-47, 2017.


Course CodeTitle
GEOG 5010.03Seminar in Geographical Practice