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Leesa K Fawcett

Leesa K Fawcett

Associate Professor


PhD Biology & Human Ecology, York University
MES Environmental Thought & Biological Conservation, York University
BSc (Honours) Marine Biology & Oceanography, University of Guelph

Research Keywords

Animal Studies; Environmental Education & Philosophy; Biological Conservation & Natural History; Political Ecology; Experiential Education & Indigenous Knowledges; Feminist Science & Technology Studies; Food Sovereignty & Sustainability.

Leesa Fawcett

Contact Information

4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

416 736 2100 

Research Projects

Lead, “Knowledge Gardening: Indigenous Learning and Community Building”, AVP York University, Indigeneity in Teaching and Learning Fund

Principal Investigator (with A. Zalik & E. Havice), “Ocean Frontiers: An interdisciplinary workshop on changing contours of marine space and resource access,” SSHRC Connections Grant

Principal Investigator (with Co-Investigator Sheila Wahsquonaikezhik),  “Nishnawbe Aski Nation Youth (Remote Regions, Northern Ontario): Gambling Pilot Project,” Gambling Research Exchange Ontario

Co-investigator (with Dr. Sue Ruddick, PI), “Crossing Boundaries: Human-Wildlife Encounters in the Greater Toronto Area,” SSHRC Insight Grant

Research Output

Fawcett, L. and M. Johnson. 2019. “Multi-species Worlds and Relational Pedagogies.” In T. Lloro-Bidart  & Valerie Banschbach (Eds.), Animals in Environmental Education: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Curriculum and Pedagogy. London, UK: Palgrave Publishers.

Russell, J. and L. Fawcett. 2018. “Childhood Animalness: Relationality, Vulnerabilities, and Conviviality.” In A. Cutter-Mackenzie, K. Malone and E. Barratt Hacking (Eds.), Research Handbook on Childhoodnature: Assemblages of Childhood and Nature Research. New York: Springer International Handbooks of Education.

Cheuy, S., L. Fawcett, K. Hutchinson and T.  Robertson. 2016. “A Citizen-led Approach to Enhancing Community Well-Being.” In R. Philips and C. Wong (Eds.), Handbooks of Quality-of-Life. New York: ISQOLS/Springer Handbook Series.

Fawcett, L. 2016. “Rats! Being Social Requires Empathy.” In J. Castricano and L. Corman, (Eds.), Animal Subjects 2.0. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Russell, C., Fawcett, L. and J. Oakley. 2014. “Removing Margins in Environmental Education,” Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 18: 5-9.

Fawcett, L. 2014. “Kinship Imaginaries: Children’s Stories and Inter-Species Ethics.” In G. Marvin and S. McHugh, (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Human-Animal Studies. 259- 274. London: Routledge.

Fawcett, L. and Janis L. Dickinson. 2013. “Psychological Resilience, Uncertainty, and Biological Conservation: Junctures between Emotional Knowledges, Nature Experiences, and Environmental Education.” In ME. Krasny and J. Dillon, (Eds.), Trading Zones in Environmental Education: Creating Transdisciplinary Dialogue.  159-184. New York: Peter-Lang.

Fawcett, L.  2012.“Three Degrees of Separation: Accounting for Naturecultures in Environmental Education Research Issues.” In R. Stevenson, M. Brody, J. Dillon, & A. Wals (Eds.), International Handbook on Environmental Education Research. 405-413. New York: Routledge/AERA.

Fawcett, L. 2012. The Case of the Mimic Octopus: Agency and World Making. Antennae: Animal Influence, 21(Summer 2012): 58-66.

Wilson, M., M. Hickey, J. Craine, L. Fawcett, A. Oberhauser, E. Roe, T. Warkentin. 2011. “Cyborg Spaces and Monstrous Places: Critical Geographic Engagements with Harawayian Theory.” Aether: Vol. VIII. A:  42-67, September 2011.

T. Warkentin and L. Fawcett, 2010. “Whale and Human Agency in World-Making: Decolonizing Whale-Human Encounters.” In R. Acampora (Ed.), Metamorphoses of the Zoo: Animal Encounters after Noah. 103-121. Plymouth, U.K.: Lexington.