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Jennifer M Hyndman

Jennifer M Hyndman

Professor, FRSC

Associate Vice-President, Research & Innovation


PhD Geography, University of British Columbia
MA Sociology, Lancaster University
BA Sociology & English, University of Alberta

Research Keywords

Geographies Of Violence; Forced Migration; Humanitarian Emergencies; Migration Politics; Refugee Settlement In Canada.

Contact Information

4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

416 736 2100

Research Interests

My research traverses political, economic, urban, cultural and feminist dimensions of migration, focusing on people's mobility, displacement, and security. I am particularly concerned with the dynamics of conflict and disaster that create refugee-migrants, as well as international humanitarian responses to such crises. The books I’ve published examine, for example, the highly spatialized power relations of managing human displacement; dual disasters – or the intersection of conflict with the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka and Aceh, Indonesia, the ways in which violence is gendered, racialized, and sexualized in war zones; and the embodied geopolitics of containment that characterizes human displacement across world regions. My work connects these globalized and usually urban landscapes of displacement with their local expression through geographies of refugee settlement (and exclusion) in the global North. Specifically, I contribute to critical policy studies of refugee-migrant research and immigration policy in Canada.

Research Projects

2018-2025 “Civil Society and the Global Refugee Regime,” SSHRC Partnership Grant, Hyndman co-applicant; J. Milner P.I. $2.5M.

2020-2022 "COVID-19 Among Meatpacking Workers: Documenting Migration Status and Employment Conditions in Southern Alberta", SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant, $24,990. 

2020-2022    “Global Approaches to Private Refugee Sponsorship”, SSHRC Connections Grant, P.I. Bond (UOttawa), Co-App Hyndman, $25,000.

2017-2021    “Probing private refugee resettlement in Canada”, SSHRC Insight Grant, Hyndman P.I.; $181,198.

2016-2021 “Refugee integration and long-term health outcomes in Canada”; CIHR Hyndman co-applicant; PI M. Hynie $1.35M.

2019-2021 “Bordering Mistrust: The Impact of Refugee Reception Discourses”, SSHRC Insight, P.I. Kyriakides, Collaborator J. Hyndman, $165,000.

2016-2020 “The sponsor's perspective: motivations, expectations and experiences of private sponsors”, SSHRC Rapid Response co-app; PI A. Macklin $25,000.

2019-2020 “Interrogating Integration”, SSHRC Connections Grant, P.I. Hynie, Co-App Hyndman, $25,000.

2018-2019 “Alternative Solutions to Refugee Protection”, SSHRC Connections Grant, P.I. Hyndman, $24,720

2016-2017 “Ethical guidelines for research with Syrian refugees”, SSHRC Rapid Response Grant, collaborator; PI C. Clark-Kazak $20,000.

2015-2017 “Building Bridges across Social and Computational Sciences: Using Big Data for Humanitarian Aims” SSHRC PDG, S. McGrath P.I., J. Hyndman co-app, $199,500.

2013-2014 “Refugee Knowledge Framework”, Citizenship and Immigration Canada contract, P.I. A. Turegan; JH one of 5 co-investigators, $136,000.

2013-2019 “Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER) Consortium”, CIDA/DFATD/Global Affairs grant, $4.4M. P.I. W. Giles, J. Hyndman

2011-2016 “Geographies of Migrant Politics, Identity, and Belonging”, SSHRC Standard Research Grant, P.I. Hyndman, G. Pratt co-investigator, $147,000.

Research Output

Hyndman, J. and W. Giles. Living on the Edge: Refugees in Extended Exile, Routledge 2017.

Hyndman, J. Dual Disasters: Humanitarian Aid after the 2004 Tsunami. Sterling VA: Kumarian Press, 2011.

Giles, W. and J. Hyndman (eds.) Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones Berkeley/Los Angeles CA: University of California Press, 2004.

Hyndman, J. Managing Displacement: Refugees and the Politics of Humanitarianism Minneapolis MN: Minnesota University Press, 2000.

Hyndman, J., A. Amarasingam, G. Naganathan. “Diasporic Geopolitics: Tamil Nationalism, Securitization, and Peace in Toronto” (revised April 2020) Geopolitics.

Hyndman, J. and J. Reynolds (2020) “Beyond the Global Compacts: Re-imagining Protection”, Refuge 36(1): 66-74. Available at

Hynie, M., S. McGrath, J. Bridekirk, A. Oda, N. Ives, J. Hyndman, N. Arya, Y. B. Shakya, J. Hanley, K. McKenzie (2019) “What Role Does Type of Sponsorship Play in Early Integration Outcomes? Syrian Refugees Resettled in Six Canadian Cities”, Refuge 35(2): 36-52.

Hyndman, J. “Unsettling Feminist Geopolitics: Forging Feminist Political Geographies of Violence” Gender, Place and Culture, 26(1): 3-29, 2019.

Macklin, A., K. Barber, L. Goldring, J. Hyndman, A. Korteweg, S. Labman, J. Zfyi “Preliminary Investigation into Refugee Sponsors” Canadian Ethnic Studies 50 (2): 35-58, 2018.

Amarasingam, A., G. Naganathan, and J. Hyndman. “Canadian Multiculturalism as Banal Nationalism”, Canadian Ethnic Studies 48 (2): 119-142, 2016.

Reynolds, J. and J. Hyndman. “A Turn in Canadian Refugee Policy and Practice”, Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations 16 (2): 41-55, 2015.

Khan, A. and J. Hyndman. “Navigating Civil War Through Youth Migration, Education, and Family Separation,” Refuge 31(2): 75-84, 2015.

Mountz, A., A. Bonds, B. Mansfield, J. Loyd, J. Hyndman, M. Walton-Roberts, R. Basu, R. Whitson, R. Hawkins, T. Hamilton, W. Curran. “For slow scholarship.” ACME, International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 14(4):1235-1259, 2015.

Hyndman, J. “‘War Without Sound’: The Securitization of Development in the Absence of Peace,” Stability: Intl. J. of Security & Dev. 4(1): 14, 2015,

Khan, A. and J. Hyndman. “Navigating Civil War Through Youth Migration, Education, and Family Separation,” Refuge 31(2): 75-84, 2015.

Hyndman, J. and A. Amarasingam. “Touring ‘Terrorism’: Landscapes of Memory in Post-War Sri Lanka,” Geography Compass, 8 (8): 560-575, 2014.

Brunner, L. R., J. Hyndman, and A. Mountz. “’Waiting for a Wife’: Transnational Marriages and the Social Integration of Refugees”, Refuge 30 (1): 81-92, 2014.

Hyndman, J. (submitted) “Vaccine Geopolitics: in COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Pandemic Geographies (eds.) G.Andrews, V. Crooks, J. Pearce & J. Messina, Springer.

Hynie, M. and J. Hyndman (with Syria.lth Team) (accepted) “Arriving in Canada: Sponsorship and Syrian Settlement after Operation Syrian Refugee”, Operation Syrian Refugees, Uof C Press.

Hyndman, J. (accepted) “Re-imagining ‘Refugee’ Protection: Beyond Improving the Status Quo”, in Migration, Displacement, and Belonging: Challenging the Paradigm. (Eds.) T. Mayer and T. T. Tan. London/New York: Routledge.

Hyndman, J. (accepted) “Global Compacts or Containment? Geopolitics by Design”
in H. Al-Harithy (ed.) City Debates: Displacement and Humanitarian Responses.

Macklin, A., K. Barber, L. Goldring, J. Hyndman, A. Korteweg, S. Labman, J. Zfyi (forthcoming 2020) “Kindred Spirits? Links Between Refugee and Family Sponsorship” to S. Labman & G. Cameron (eds.) Private Sponsorship in Canada (Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queens Press).

Hyndman, J. and A. Mountz (forthcoming 2020) “Seeking Safe Haven in Canada: Geopolitics and Border Crossings after the Safe Third Country Agreement” in (ed.)

J. Morrissey, Haven: The Mediterranean Crisis and Human Security (Edward Elgar), chapter 6.

Reynolds, J. and J. Hyndman (forthcoming) “Shifting Grounds of Asylum in Canadian Public Discourse and Policy”, (eds.) T. Phu & V. Nguyen, Critical Refugee Studies,
U of Toronto Press.

Weima, Y. and J. Hyndman (2019) “Humanitarian Government, Refugee Governance and Pushback: global and local approaches”, in K. Mitchell et al. (eds.) Handbook on Critical Geographies of Migration. Edward Elgar Press, 30-44. 

Hyndman, J. (2018) “To Help or Not to Help? Humanitarian Spaces, Power and Government,” in M. Coleman and J. Agnew (eds.) Geographies of Power. Edward Elgar, pp. 380-392.

Hyndman, J. and W. Giles (2018) “Protracted Displacement: Living on the Edge” (eds.) A. Bloch and G. Dona. Forced Migration: Current Issues and Debates. London/NY: Routledge, pp. 74-87.

Hyndman, J. & A. Mountz (2018) “Place, power, metaphor, & geometries of migration”, in M. Werner et al. (eds.) Doreen Massey: Critical Dialogues. Agenda Publishing, pp. 355-366.

Hyndman, J. “‘No More Tears Sister’: Feminist Politics in Sri Lanka,” in Unravelling Marginalisation, Voicing Change: Alternative Visions and Paths of Development, M. Jones, P. Blaikie & C. Brun (eds). Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate, 2014, pp. 155-167.

Hyndman, J. “Human Security and Dual Disasters”, in Hobson, C., P. Bacon, & R. Cameron (eds). Human Security & Natural Disasters. London: Routledge, 2014, 111-126. 

Hyndman, J. “Intersecting Disasters: Eschewing Models, Embracing Geopolitics,” in M. Acuto (ed.) Negotiating Relief: the dialectics of humanitarian space, London: Hurst & Co. and New York: Columbia University Press, 2014, pp. 221-230.


Course CodeTitle
GEOG 2310Introduction to Refugee and Migration Studies - Teaching Fall 2020 with R. Basu
GEOG 4880Spaces of Conflict, Violence and Power - Teaching Fall 2020
GEOG 3370Critical Perspectives on International Development
GEOG 3130The Global Economy
GEOG 6060Graduate Seminar: Directed Readings
SOSC 4600Advanced Seminar in Development Studies
DVST 5123/GEOGForced Migration and Refugee Issues
DVST 5120Research Methods for Development