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EU/ENVS 3401: The Science of Pollution: Impacts on the Environment and Human Health

EU/ENVS 3401: The Science of Pollution: Impacts on the Environment and Human Health

Introduces students to the major scientific concepts and principles that govern the origin, fate and effect of pollutants in the environment. Topics include fossil fuel and alternative energy sources, atmospheric pollution, heavy metal and pesticide toxicology, organic sewage, and endocrine disrupters. Further objectives of this course are to develop students' ability to analyze, manipulate, present and interpret scientific data and to develop the student's ability to review and critique scientific reports on scientific problems.
Prerequisite: EU/ENVS 1500 6.00 or EU/SC/GEOG 1400 6.00 or SC/BIOL 1000 3.00 and SC/BIOL 1001 3.00. Prior to FALL 2020: ES/ENVS 1500 6.00 or AP/GEOG 1400 6.00
Course Credit Exclusions: ES/ENVS 2410 3.00 The Science of Pollution
Programs: Sustainable Environmental Management