Many of our retired faculty members are active scholars, engaging in research, holding external grants, and supervising graduate students. They are also important members of our community and provide an important link to EUC’s two principal legacy units - the Department of Geography and the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York.

Our Emeritus Faculty

Richard Bello
Associate Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar
Climate Science; Physical Hydrology; Carbon Dynamics

Honor Ford-Smith
Associate Professor
Performance & Social Movements; Race, Gender, Nation

William Found
University Professor Emeritus
Caribbean landscapes, rural land use and planning, programme implementation, ecosystem resilience, computer-aided teaching.

Lewis Molot
Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar
Climate Science; Physical Hydrology; Carbon Dynamics

Valerie Preston
Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar
Immigration; Gender; Urban Labour & Housing Markets

Barbara Rahder
Professor Emeritus, Former Dean & Senior Scholar
Community-based planning

Ray Rogers
Associate Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar
Economics, Conservation, Cultural Studies

Ted Spence
Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar

Peter Vandergeest
Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar
Political Ecology; Asia; Migration; Labour

Peter Victor
Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar
Ecological Economics; Environmental Policy
Alan Hill
Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar
Biogeochemistry, hydrology, wetlands, riparian buffer zones and streams.

Gerda Wekerle
Professor Emerita
Exurban development, public policy
and nature preservation, culture and
planning, housing, gender and cities, food policy, planning and networks

Linda J. Peake
Professor Emerita & FRSC
Urban Studies; Feminist And Anti-Racist Geographies; Urban Geographies

Leesa K Fawcett
Associate Professor Emerita & Senior Scholar
Critical Human-Animal Studies; Environmental Education