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York University Faculty Association Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship

York University Faculty Association Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship

Value: $3,000
Deadline: January 1, 2024

The YUFA Foundation scholarship is awarded annually to an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change who has completed between 60 to 90 credits and achieved the highest cumulative grade point average in the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change.


A generous donation by the York University Faculty Association has made possible awards of substantial value to the top students in the Faculties of Arts, Atkinson, Education, Environmental & Urban Change, Fine Arts, Glendon, Health, Osgoode, Science and Engineering and the Schulich School of Business. The recipients will have completed between 60 and 90 credits at York University, achieved the best cumulative grade point average in their Faculty, and will subsequently re-register at York to complete their undergraduate degree program. This scholarship may be held only once and will be payable at the time of the re-registration. Students who are co-registered in the concurrent education program will only be considered for this award by the Faculty of Education. No Application Required

Additional Information: Take note: The value and number of award(s) in any given year will depend on the rate of distribution from the endowment fund, and the number of recipients selected.
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