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Howard Daugherty Graduate Award in Neotropical Conservation

Howard Daugherty Graduate Award in Neotropical Conservation

Value: up to $25,000
Deadline: November 30, 2023 February 15, 2024
Description: The Howard Daugherty Graduate Award in Neotropical Conservation is available to graduate students, at the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, York University, to support their research related to neotropical conservation that is undertaken in the vicinity of the Las Nubes Biological Reserve in Costa Rica and/or that contributes to meeting the goals of the Las Nubes Project. Recipients must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, residents of Ontario and must demonstrate financial need. Deadline: November 30 and February 15 Eligibility:
  • Must be a Master's or doctoral student with Research related to Neotropical conservation that is undertaken in the vicinity of the Las Nubes Biological Reserve in Costa Rica
  • Research that contributes to meeting the goals of the Las Nubes Project
  • Research related to Neotropical conservation that is undertaken in the vicinity of the Las Nubes Biological Reserve in Costa Rica, and/or that contributes to meeting the goals of the Las Nubes Project.
  • Academic accomplishments;
  • Financial need
How to apply
  • Step 1: Complete the Office of Student and Financial Services' Student Financial Profile (SFP) When you visit the SFP website, please select APPLY NOW to complete your submission.
  • Step 2: Prepare a statement of research that outlines how the award will be used to support the fieldwork, budget, timeline of research activities and the research outcomes.
  • Step 3: Prepare a copy of your Approved Research Proposal (from MES 2>3 exam);
  • Step 4: Prepare a copy of your current CV
  • Step 5: Complete the application form by November 30 or February 15
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