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Economics for the Anthropocene (E4A)

Economics for the Anthropocene (E4A)

Human beings have had such a powerful impact on planetary environmental systems since the Industrial Revolution that scientists say Earth has entered a new geologic age: the Anthropocene, the era of humanity and its effects on Earth. York and University of Vermont are collaborating on a six-year $2.5M SSHRC Partnership grant led by Peter Brown of McGill to develop a doctoral curriculum designed to produce leaders who can help lighten humanity's footprint on the planet's fragile ecosystems. The program, called Economics for the Anthropocene (E4A), provides resources for up to 60 graduate students to explore theoretical and practical aspects of ecological economics, drawing on a broad range of disciplines and experiential learning with a strong environmental focus. For more information, visit the project website at: Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) $2,495,651.

Researcher: Co-PIs: Ellie Perkins, Peter Victor, Jon Erickson and Joshua Farley (UVM); PI: Peter Brown, McGill

Project Theme: Resource Management